Monday, August 29, 2011

From Here To There

You know, it's kind of interesting. With my art, I'm never really sure where things will end up. I'm usually not even really sure how they will start. I just go into my files and start dragging images into Photoshop and play. Sometimes things work out. Sometimes they get the big fat DELETE button action. Since I'm so new to all this, my feelings don't get very hurt when it ends up a hot mess.

Sometimes though, things get kind of interesting. I find myself in "the zone" and get lost in the process and have to pull myself back a bit to see what's happening with the piece. I was really excited about the Three Little Angels piece, but when I stepped back I saw another piece within it. (Is this an Art World Two-fer?)

I think it's also a bit of a reflection about life. When things start happening, good or bad, the tendency is to get all hyper focused on the "thing". This is especially true, I find, with the not so good stuff. Pain.......a good example. When my hip starts aching, I just wallow in that pain and feel all nice and sorry for myself. But, if I can pull back a little from that pain, I can see that while the hip is being the scene stealer, the rest of my body is feeling pretty damn good.

I think I will continue to try to look at my life with a little more of an artistic eye.......stand back a little and see what else is going on rather than stay so drawn up into what I think is "the thing".

What is the other thing I saw in my image? I found a little ship just floating along, happy as a clam. And no, there was never a boat image from my files that I used, it just appeared there for me.

Just a reminder...............whatever floats your boat. No, just kidding. It's a reminder that things aren't always the way they appear at first glance. Keep on looking.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wind In The Hair

I love this quote, and it makes me long to be... you know where.

The beach.

Our friends (Jodi and Gordon) are sitting and waiting for a hurricane to hit their house in the Bahamas, so I wanted to send good love to them today. Nature is very opinionated sometimes. I do think she wants to always remind us of her place in the universe, first and foremost. Why do we always try to outwit her?

And yes, there is nothing better than the wind whipping through my hair at the beach. Just not hurricane strength. I will leave that to the CNN reporters to deal with. (talk about crazy people!)


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom

Happy Birthday!

I remember you each and every day, but I felt like I wanted to share with everyone what was to be your final "earthly" gift to me.

I remember the day you passed with so many emotions, but most of all the feeling of love and hope that shined from YOU.

You showed us each the power and joy of your eminent journey back home. You showed us to move from this life to the next with laughter and grace.

Your whole life you shared so much of yourself as you shared your God given talents and gifts, but your final gift to me was the most precious of all.

Yep, your physical death
was just
a spiritual rebirth
and a way to get back home.....

Love you and miss you.