I swear, I am the most project oriented person I know. I think it's because I love love love to be working towards a goal of some sort.
I love to pass the finish line.
I'm not the kind of person that likes to do things at the last minute. No, I like to ponder and poke at stuff. Like, for weeks or months...the same project gets examined over and over again. I always think to myself, "I can't wait to actually have no projects going. I can't wait to just have time to do whatever just comes up for me." You know what I do with that kind of time? I come up with a project! Seriously, is there help for people like me?
So, this past weekend I had some free time to let my mind wander. Where did that get me? Into buckets of paint. I decided that it was time to paint all those ugly black frames that I had. Out comes the drop cloth, the sanding paper, the paint brush, the rags, the painters tape, and the most amazing product ever. (note to self, learn how to put those cute little things in the blog where people say what they want you to learn about and it comes up in a different color type and you push on it and it takes you to the website of the thing you are interested in telling people about) The product is Benjamin Moore's paint, Aura, that is low VOC and a primer and paint in one. (We repainted all our kitchen cabinets with it last snow storm, but that was a whole other project!)
Where was I? Oh, yeah, frames. So, all that stuff was spread out all over the basement for a few days. Thank goodness I had the grandkids yesterday so I had to finish the project and clean up the play area. And the frames and photos looks so much better!
This weekend, I'm supposed to learn how to sew. Actually, I know how to sew, I just don't know how to play nicely with the sewing machine. I hate bobbins. Why doesn't someone who is working on the cure for cancer spend just a little time figuring out a way to sew without having to use the damn bobbin!
What about you, any projects for the long weekend? If not, I have a few ideas.............
Have a great Labor Day, be safe and wear sunscreen!
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