I have discovered that I love questions. I love even the way your voice goes up a bit, then back down at the end of the sentence when you ask a question. I love people that ask questions because to me it makes me think they are engaged in life.
But other people, really seem to relish in the answers. I love those people, too. Don't get me wrong. But I am starting to realize that the people that thrive on questions are more like me, therefore I "get them".
I am just back from a two week trip through France, Luxembourg, Germany and finally Amsterdam. I am obsessed with travel because it brings up so many questions in me. I am curious as to why people are in general appearance quite similar, but when looked at individually, are so unique. And what makes someone who they are? And just because who they are (or who we think they are) at this point in their life, the reality is that what we see in each other are just little snippets of reality, but since we are ever changing, do we ever really KNOW someone?
See, I just can't stop myself. (Well, technically, for your sake I did stop myself right there, but even though I didn't keep typing out my questions, they are still running wild in my mind. I just thought I would spare you........you got the point......)
I am reading a book right now, Creators On Creating, and Pamela Travers, creator of Mary Poppins, says this...
"...there are no answers, there are only questions. Fallible creatures that we are and being ourselves in question, we inevitably demand answers to ease the lack within us. All things must be capable of explanation, every effect must have a cause, each problem a solution. It is thus that we arrive at conclusion, for conclusion brings about the ending that we mistake for an answer. "That's finished," we say, mendaciously. "We can go onto something else." But nothing in life - nor, perhaps, in death - is ever really finished."
I guess that's why I live in the questions of life. I truly believe that things never get finished. I spend so much time trying to clear out the clutter of my life, but as soon as I clear out one closet or drawer, or seem to come to some understanding about something, I turn around and I find myself surrounded by clutter again. Perhaps if I can remind myself that life is full of constant clutter and unknowns, I can find comfort in the questions and the consistency of them, and worry less about finding the answers.
So, what is up with the picture I posted? Well, if you look closely at the building (a museum in Amsterdam), you will see that there is a man's profile in the structure. It almost looks like he's embossed in it like a coin is embossed. There is no Photoshop slight of hand with this picture, but when I was there, I never saw this with the naked eye. I'll be honest, I thought I had some sort of supernatural photo here! After studying it in awe, I suggested my husband go look at it. Immediately, he realized that I had caught the reflection of the man in the seat in front of me in the window when I snapped the picture. Yep, he's the kind of guy that likes questions answered. So, instead of feeling like he burst my bubble, I have to ask myself, "How in the world did I frame that so perfectly without even trying?.........some sort of creative Divine presence?.........was it so I could stop and take myself back to the scene in my mind and replay it rather than just skim over it as I hopped from one photo to the other as a reminder to slow down?........was it......was it.......was it.......
I can't settle on the answers, they just encourage me into more questions.
It's great to be home.
But other people, really seem to relish in the answers. I love those people, too. Don't get me wrong. But I am starting to realize that the people that thrive on questions are more like me, therefore I "get them".
I am just back from a two week trip through France, Luxembourg, Germany and finally Amsterdam. I am obsessed with travel because it brings up so many questions in me. I am curious as to why people are in general appearance quite similar, but when looked at individually, are so unique. And what makes someone who they are? And just because who they are (or who we think they are) at this point in their life, the reality is that what we see in each other are just little snippets of reality, but since we are ever changing, do we ever really KNOW someone?
See, I just can't stop myself. (Well, technically, for your sake I did stop myself right there, but even though I didn't keep typing out my questions, they are still running wild in my mind. I just thought I would spare you........you got the point......)
I am reading a book right now, Creators On Creating, and Pamela Travers, creator of Mary Poppins, says this...
"...there are no answers, there are only questions. Fallible creatures that we are and being ourselves in question, we inevitably demand answers to ease the lack within us. All things must be capable of explanation, every effect must have a cause, each problem a solution. It is thus that we arrive at conclusion, for conclusion brings about the ending that we mistake for an answer. "That's finished," we say, mendaciously. "We can go onto something else." But nothing in life - nor, perhaps, in death - is ever really finished."
I guess that's why I live in the questions of life. I truly believe that things never get finished. I spend so much time trying to clear out the clutter of my life, but as soon as I clear out one closet or drawer, or seem to come to some understanding about something, I turn around and I find myself surrounded by clutter again. Perhaps if I can remind myself that life is full of constant clutter and unknowns, I can find comfort in the questions and the consistency of them, and worry less about finding the answers.
So, what is up with the picture I posted? Well, if you look closely at the building (a museum in Amsterdam), you will see that there is a man's profile in the structure. It almost looks like he's embossed in it like a coin is embossed. There is no Photoshop slight of hand with this picture, but when I was there, I never saw this with the naked eye. I'll be honest, I thought I had some sort of supernatural photo here! After studying it in awe, I suggested my husband go look at it. Immediately, he realized that I had caught the reflection of the man in the seat in front of me in the window when I snapped the picture. Yep, he's the kind of guy that likes questions answered. So, instead of feeling like he burst my bubble, I have to ask myself, "How in the world did I frame that so perfectly without even trying?.........some sort of creative Divine presence?.........was it so I could stop and take myself back to the scene in my mind and replay it rather than just skim over it as I hopped from one photo to the other as a reminder to slow down?........was it......was it.......was it.......
I can't settle on the answers, they just encourage me into more questions.
It's great to be home.